Currently Reading + Update

Hello, book lovers! 💕

Hey. Hi. How have you all been? It feels like it’s been a long time since I posted anything, even though it’s really only been a week and a half. But I needed that unexpected break from blogging. I needed to not put so much pressure on myself to post all the time.

Not only that, but my family has been going through a really tough time these past couple weeks. I won’t go into too much detail since it’s pretty personal, and I don’t want to come across as looking for pity or sympathy. But there was a death in the family, and it was one that is still hard to believe. Grief is coming in waves, though it definitely was hitting harder in the beginning, which was why I decided to take a break from writing on here.

And as hard as it still is, it feels good to be back writing blog posts again. I really missed it since it’s a creative outlet for me. Plus I get to talk about books, and that’s one of my favorite things in the world.

So anyway, even though I have a couple books that I want to review, I figured I’d update you guys on where I’ve been since I feel like I owe you guys at least that much. And for everyone who recently followed me, welcome! And for those who have been with me for a while now, thank you for sticking with me. I really appreciate each and every one of you because without you guys, I’d be writing into the void.

And I also wanted to update you guys on what I’m currently reading. I haven’t read as much as I wanted to this month, which is to be expected. But I have managed to get through a couple books. And I’m actually in the middle of reading a couple of books as well. This isn’t going to be a wrap up, but more of a recap of the month so far. I won’t go too much into what I thought about them, or think about them if I’m still reading them.

I finished shine your icy crown by Amanda Lovelace earlier this month, which is a collection of poems that are inspiring and encourage female strength. Honestly, I feel like a lot of Amanda Lovelace’s poetry collections are like that, but this is her most recent one. And I absolutely loved it. I think I read it in one or two sittings (most of the poems are short, so that’s to be expected), and I tagged so many pages that I loved or resonated with.

After reading that, I didn’t pick anything up for quite a while. It wasn’t until recently that I decided I needed a comic series to read since I finished Avatar: the Last Airbender last month. So I picked up the first volume of Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson. I had read it years ago, and I never continued on in the series. But I figured I’d give it another shot. And I really enjoyed it actually. It was a lot of fun.

Which brings me to the book that I’m currently reading. Right after I finished the first volume, I decided to pick up the second volume as well, and I’m maybe a quarter of the the way through it. They’re so much fun, and I can’t wait to read the rest of the series (thank God my library has pretty much all of them as ebooks so I don’t have to wait to read them).

I also decided to listen to an audiobook (are we surprised?) because I wanted to listen to something while I draw that wasn’t just music. So I picked up These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong. It’s been on my TBR these past couple months, and I’m finally getting around to reading it. And I’m actually really enjoying it. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it’s not what I got. I have heard such mixed things about this book being overly violent, and yeah it’s violent. But I don’t think it’s overly violent. I mean it’s about gangs in the 1920s essentially, what else would you expect?

Though it’s not just about the gangs. There are some other issues that are being tackled throughout the story, which I won’t go into just in case you haven’t read it yet. But yeah I picked this up so I can feel somewhat productive while I draw. And I’m actually almost done with it.

The last book I’m in the middle of reading (because apparently I’ve just become a person who reads more than one book at a time now) is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I’ve been picking this book up right before I go to sleep each night since I’m reading it on my Kindle. This is a book that I read back in high school, and I thought I enjoyed it at the time. But as I read it now, I’m questioning that. I mean I’m enjoying it, but it’s kind of boring and puts me to sleep pretty quickly. The writing is so wordy and old-fashioned that sometimes I have trouble following what’s happening.

I want to power through it, even though there have been times when I feel like I should just give up on reading it. But it’s a classic, and I’m stubborn. I know, I know. If I’m not liking the book, I should just stop reading it and pick something else up. But I figure I’d take my time reading it; pick it up and read a few pages at a time. If it takes me a few months to read, then so be it.

I won’t get too sappy; I just want to thank those who are following me because it seriously means so much to me that you want to read what I write on my blog.

So there you have it. That’s what’s been going on in my life lately, and what I’ve been reading and recently finished reading.

But anyway, have you read any of the books that I mentioned? I’d love to chat about them in the comments below!

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Published by The Reading Addict

I am a twenty-something-year-old who is an avid reader. I love anything from young adult fantasy to adult fiction to young adult contemporary. I also love to play video games and draw and watch movies and TV shows. And this is my safe space where I can gush about everything I love.

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