It’s Been a While | General Discussion + January Wrap Up

Hello, book lovers! 💕

Long time, no see. I know it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post on here. And honestly, it feels kind of weird coming back to it, if this really counts as coming back because I’m not sure what I’m even doing with this blog anymore. I’ve been on kind of a hiatus, not only with writing on here, but also with reading in general. And pretty much everything really.

I’m not sure where this post is even going to go; I just decided randomly to start typing, so bare with me if it seems like a jumbled mess (which is how my brain has been lately).

A lot has been going on these last few months since I last posted. Between work and my home life, I’ve just been so worn out that I haven’t had the energy or motivation to do anything. And now with winter, it’s gotten a little worse because I’m feeling the seasonal depression a bit. It’s not usually something that affects me, but this year, I don’t know. It’s hitting me a little different.

But since the new year, I’ve really had this surge of motivation to do more reading. Like a lot. Mostly ebooks and audiobooks, but what else is new. My new obsession is with comic series. I’m still working on getting through The Lumberjanes series; I’m currently on volume 11, so I’ve made some progress (I read 3 volumes this month).

Even though the art style changed halfway through the series, I’m still really enjoying this comic series. I’ve grown so attached to the characters. And they’re always getting into so much mischief and shenanigans, which makes it so much fun to read.

But I also started a new series called Giant Days. I’ve only read the first volume, and I’m not completely sure what I think about it. But I think I’ll probably continue on with the next couple volumes to see if it gets any better.

I think what I like about comic series is the fact that they’re quick reads. Like I’ve said, I’ve already read 3 volumes of The Lumberjanes and the first of Giant Days in the month of January. So that’s 4 books, and it makes me feel so accomplished, which is a really good feeling considering I spent the last few months of 2021 barely being able to get through 1 book.

I also read the ebook for White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Which is a book that came out 8 years ago at this point, and honestly I don’t know what took me so long to read it. Maybe it was the cringy cover or the awful title. But normally I’ve really enjoyed books by this author, and I had actually started reading the first book in the spin-off series, Storm and Fury, which I didn’t realize was a spin-off until almost 75 pages into the book. So now I want to try to read the other books after White Hot Kiss to maybe read Storm and Fury. Because even though it was kind of cliche and problematic, it was the first book I really sped through in a long time. I was actually able to finish it in a little over a week, which is a record for me ever since my reading habits changed.

On top of all of that, I read (or more like listened) to Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune, who also wrote The House in the Cerulean Sea (that I absolutely adored, and I reviewed it here). And this one was no different. I’m not going to go into too much detail considering I just finished the book and need to process my thoughts, but just know that it was just as good as T.J. Klune’s debut. It also is a bit darker than I thought it would be, but that should have been expected since it’s about death. I know this isn’t a review, but this quote hit me in all the feels and will most likely stay with me for a while:

Time. We always think we have so much of it, but when it really counts, we don’t have enough at all.

Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune

This wasn’t going to be a monthly wrap up, but I guess that’s the direction that this post ended up taking. The month is almost over; there’s many 3 days left as I’m writing this now, and I’m not sure if I’m going to read anything else before February. If I’m being honest, I’m pretty addicted to Pokemon Legends Arceus that just came out the other day, and unless I pick up another audiobook, I probably won’t get any more reading done right now. But that’s okay with me. I’m pretty happy with everything that I was able to read.

So there you have it. I know I’ve been gone a while, and I can’t promise that I’ll post regularly again, but I wanted to come on here and update you guys on the reading I’ve done at the start of the new year. I’m hoping this year’s reading goes better than last year.

What have you guys been reading? Have you read any of the books that I mentioned? I’d love to chat about them in the comments below!

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Published by The Reading Addict

I am a twenty-something-year-old who is an avid reader. I love anything from young adult fantasy to adult fiction to young adult contemporary. I also love to play video games and draw and watch movies and TV shows. And this is my safe space where I can gush about everything I love.

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