Night and Day Book Tag

I found this tag on Kristina’s blog, and after reading the questions and her answers, I had to do the tag too, even though I wasn’t tagged to do it. The questions seemed fun, and I haven’t done many tags on my blog. So I decided to give it a try. 

Do you read more in the morning or at night?

It depends on when I get the time. Honestly, I try to squeeze reading in whenever I get the chance. But if I have work all day, then I mostly will read at night before bed. But on the weekends, I tend to try to read during the day.

Are there any books that changed the way you thought about things?

Yes, there are so many. Not only in the way they made me think about myself, but others. A few that changed the way I thought about myself, specially about my anxiety, are The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli, Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall, and Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia. Those few books made me realize that there were others who also struggled with mental illnesses, and that I don’t have it quite as hard as others might.

The books that changed the way I thought about others in general are by the same author. Angie Thomas wrote The Hate U GIve and On the Come Up, and after reading those books, I feel like they have changed me personally. While I have never been one to judge others and where they come from, these two books showed me how others lived and what was at stake for them. The characters in these two books had to deal with things that I would never have to deal with in my lifetime, and I commend Angie Thomas for writing such raw and heartbreaking books.

YA or not?

That’s all I really read. I don’t think I will ever not read YA, even when they stop being relevant to me.

Are there characters that you honestly believe are real?

I agree with Kristina’s answer. I honestly feel like all characters feel real to me as I’m reading.

Nobody touches my books or I don’t mind loaning my books out?

I don’t loan my books out that much, mainly because I don’t have many people I know who read the same types of books as me.

Do you ever smell your books?

Not too much, actually.

Not everyone loves books…is this a positive or negative?

I try to encourage reading whenever I can, especially those close to me, like my friends or family. I get really excited whenever someone I know shows any inkling of interest in books and reading. Though if people don’t like reading, I don’t really judge them. It’s a matter of preference. We can’t all like the same things.

Have you ever spilled or stained books before with something, if so how?

Sadly, yes this has happened, but it wasn’t done purposely. I had one of those Glad plugins on my bookshelf, and it was tipped on its side. It spilled on one of my books, specifically Fang from the Maximum Ride series. To this day, I can’t stand the smell of lavender because when I read Fang, that’s all I could smell.

Toned or untoned? In other words, do you read and workout at the same time?

When I workout (which isn’t as often as I would like) is listening to an audiobook while I go for a walk. Other than that, I don’t think I’d be able to read a physical book when I do any kind of workout. I would keep getting distracted, and probably motion sickness.

Feel free to do this tag if you like. And if you do this tag, tag me so I could see your answers.

Published by The Reading Addict

I am a twenty-something-year-old who is an avid reader. I love anything from young adult fantasy to adult fiction to young adult contemporary. I also love to play video games and draw and watch movies and TV shows. And this is my safe space where I can gush about everything I love.

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